Friday, 17 July 2015

History of communication systems

Posted by Unknown

History of communication systems

Communication is one of the most important parts of electronics. When the question comes on “staying connected”, we often coin the term “communication”. From telephone,fax machine,internet,ATMs,GPS, radars,rockets to radio,antenna,missiles and satellite everything is interconnected in the field of communication.

Only a few hundred years ago when communication was totally dependent on physical means i.e one has to carry the message from one place to another. The carrier was mostly man, animals like pigeons or special form of sounds. But everything has changed after the advancement of modern electronics and communication.

    Imagine yourself sitting in front of the television and getting the world's news from a broadcasting satellite, situated 35,000km away in the geostationary orbit. With a few click of the mouse, you are accessing the whole world's information and by pressing some buttons you are connecting with the person who is hundred miles away.Today all these are everyday reality and we perhaps cannot live without it.

Communication is the process of establishing connection between two points. These points are basically information sources that are set up to exchange information” The earliest communication system started with telegraph in eighteen century (1840). From then wired telephony became very much popular which further gave birth to the era of radio communication (electronics and World War II).
Brief History of Communication Engineering



1900s-Communication Electronics



1940s-Radar and Microwave

1960s-Laser Technology

1965s-Solid State electronics

1970-ICs and Microprocessor

so far we have gone through the introduction and the development stages of communication. In my next post you will see "how does communication takes place from one point to another".


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