Friday, 17 July 2015

History of communication systems

Posted by Unknown
History of communication systems Communication is one of the most important parts of electronics. When the question comes on “staying connected”, we often coin the term “communication”. From telephone,fax machine,internet,ATMs,GPS, radars,rockets to radio,antenna,missiles and satellite everything is interconnected in the field of communication. Only a few hundred years ago...
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How does a wirless device communicate?

Posted by Unknown 2 Comments
How does wireless communication takes place? In my last post I have given you a brief description of the history of communication. In this post we will see the basic communication system SOURCE A source in communication is a signal that carries information . Consider your speech when you talk or the music that you hear or pictures that you see are basically sources of information. Now our main objective is to send this...
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Mobile communication in spectrum

Posted by Unknown
How does mobiles communicate in a spectrum? You must have seen the term “3G spectrum or 3G auctions” in any leading newspaper or TV channel. To understand the basics, you must know a little bit of Electro Magnetic Spectrum. In mobile phones our speech signal i.e. voice is first converted to electrical pulses for processing. Since electrical signals cannot travel through air, so after processing they are converted into Radio waves (a part...
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